
伯洛伊特学院是由七个新英格兰人的愿景发展起来的, a vision that began taking shape as they met in a stateroom of the steamer Chesapeake, 1844年初夏横渡伊利湖.

Their plans led to a series of four conventions involving both clergy and laity from northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. Known as Friends of Education, these participants gathered to consider offers for a frontier college.

教育之友接受了7美元的报价,000美元的供应, 材料, 劳动, 以及从伯洛伊特村取来的少量现金. 这是学院物质形式的支柱. Members of the third and fourth conventions chose a Board of Trustees. The board members adopted a charter that was enacted into law by the Territory of Wisconsin Legislature on Feb. 2, 1846.

中学的基础, the oldest college building northwest of Chicago in continuous academic operation, 建于1847年, 那年秋天开学了. 学院于1851年授予第一批学位.





学院的早期课程主要是按照耶鲁的模式设置的. Aratus肯特, 伯洛伊特学院董事会主席, 还有第一批教员, 杰克逊J. Bushnell and Joseph Emerson, built a solid casing with Yale mortar before another Yale graduate, 艾伦·卢修斯·查宾1849年12月,他接受了伯洛伊特的第一任总统职位. 他服役到1886年, and during his presidency the College became widely known for its scholastic excellence.




从一开始, the College showed both a solid classical tradition and a penchant for 创新 and experimentation in curriculum. 的管理 爱德华·德怀特·伊顿, 贝洛伊特的第二任总统, witnessed the addition of a philosophical course to the classical groundwork, 包括对科学的重视. 早在19世纪90年代就开设了进化论课程, whereupon students were given greater latitude in the selection of their courses. 1895年,伯洛伊特大学招收了第一批女学生.



New courses and other 创新s, including home economics and journalism, flourished under 梅尔文布赖农第一次世界大战后的美国政府. The Brannon era saw substantial growth in the endowment assets of the College and a refurbishing of the physical plant.

President Irving Mauer sitting in Middle College for the 1938 Promotional Booklet.



欧文·毛雷尔 returned to his alma mater as president in 1924 and served until his death in 1942. The period of 1927 to 1933 was, like the 1890s, a remarkable building era. President Maurer’s administration also put renewed emphasis on the liberal arts and spiritual values, 并继续抵制战后对“实用”的需求.”




经过两年多的时间, when World War II sharply reduced enrollment and presented many other problems, 凯里Croneis 1944年成为总统. The nine-year administration of Beloit’s fifth president saw an influx of war veterans swell enrollment to more than 1,000, and additional buildings and other campus improvements were completed. 当伯洛伊特庆祝百年校庆时, President Croneis noted that the College had grown to a “lusty educational manhood surpassing anything that President Chapin envisaged.”




的管理 米勒厄普顿, who served for 21 years, was marked by a long period of intensive self-study. 这导致了一系列影响深远的课程变革, including enrollment growth to the highest level in Beloit’s history and the extensive development of the physical plant. 这栋建筑时期包括一座新图书馆, 科学中心, 演艺中心, 人类学的建筑, 还有七栋新的住宅楼. The College’s “World Outlook” program was inaugurated in 1960 and continues today. 创新的全年教育“贝洛伊特计划”, 1964年推出, 提高了学院在全国的知名度, and many elements of that distinctive curricular program also continue today.




贝洛伊特的第七任总统, 玛莎彼得森, was inaugurated in the fall of 1975 and served until her retirement in 1981, 当她被任命为名誉主席时. She had come to Beloit after serving as president of Barnard College for eight years and as former chairman of the American Council on Education. In her inaugural address she asked “all who love and respect this historic College to help us hold high the banners of our traditions, 我们对文科的承诺,我们敢于与众不同.”

在70年代末, 学院对招生人数减少的问题作出了有效的反应, an altered pattern of student interests and the demands of an inflationary economy. 恢复了传统的两学期制, 课余生活丰富多彩, improvements to the campus completed and the endowment resources expanded. 还制定了1980年代的长期计划.



罗杰·赫尔 在1981年被选为贝罗伊特的第八任总统. 在他执政期间, enrollment increased each year and the endowment reached its highest level in history. 年度筹款和校友支持也创下历史新高. At the same time, significant new academic and career counseling programs were introduced. 赫尔时代加速了工厂的改进, 包括新的音乐和经济设施, 对宿舍楼进行大规模翻新, creation of a new campus center and sports-fitness center and a multi-million-dollar library renovation. Hull left to assume the presidency of Union College in New York in 1990.

Victor E. 小Ferrall.


Victor E. 小Ferrall. 1991年被任命为伯洛伊特学院第九任校长. 一位对博雅教育充满热情的律师, 他主持了学院150周年校庆, which included the successful completion of the $100 million Sesquicentennial Campaign. 在他任职期间, the College’s endowment more than doubled and 十大菠菜台子 undertook one of the largest programs of physical plant reconstruction in its history. 两个学院博物馆, 学生宿舍, 莫尔斯-英格索尔和史密斯大厅的学术设施, 以及斯特朗体育场的体育设施, 进行重大翻新. 安装了最先进的光纤网络, and Karris Field and The Beloit Poetry Garden were added to the campus.

约翰·E. 伯


约翰·E. 伯, 伍兹霍尔海洋生物实验室主任, 质量, 2000年成为学院第十任校长. 在他任职期间, the faculty grew by 11 positions and applications to the college increased by 65%. Construction of the Harry Moore Townhouses and two new townhouses and several major renovations in the College Park Historic District added additional housing. A campus master plan was developed which included the acquisition of the western portion of Emerson Street and portions of College and Clary streets. 桑格科学中心于2007年开始建设.




斯科特·比尔曼 带来了14年的远见, 金融稳定, 创新, and the leadership required to calmly steer the campus through a global pandemic.

比尔曼很早就制定了COVID-19安全和健康计划, had the foresight to transform a decommissioned electric power station into the Powerhouse, 学生娱乐场所, 真人国际菠菜, 和学习, 并加强了学院的财政状况.

在经济衰退期掌控财政大权, 比尔曼几乎减少了学院所有的外债, 精简营运开支, 增加净学费收入.

在比尔曼的领导下, the college’s Advanced Mentoring Program (AMP) and experiential learning initiatives have garnered high marks, 包括2022-23年的美国.S. 新闻 & 世界报告排名. 他也是Impact Beloit背后的领导者, which will open in fall 2024 and expand the college’s community-based learning and career-readiness initiatives, and provide resources and partnerships with the greater Beloit community.

在校园, 比尔曼以真诚和幽默著称, even giving first-year students a pair of signature turtle mascot socks – a Bierman tradition.

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